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A little about me

Avid Photographer, 20 years into Branding, Design, Photography and Entrepreunership

What is Photography for me

It is the result of an unified mind and a brilliant invention. A decision when to hit the button that varies with every photographer but only one captures it with true elegance and emotions that is technically called "The compositon". A good photographer is one who can freeze this magical moment when the light, speed and angle converges at a point and get a "perfect shot".

What is a perfect gear

Any device that can take a picture! The truth is that a camera is only as good as the user! Practice Practice and Practice. Your first 10,000 photos are nothing other than your learning.

My Certifications and Recognitions

  • Certified Brand Ambassador
  • Certified Visual Designer
  • Certified in Digital Arts
  • Certified in Science of Digital Photography
  • Recognized by NAT Geo Wild Life
  • Recognized by Renowned Product firms in the Watch Industries and F&B
Product Photography
Portrait photography
Event Photography
Commercial Photography